BIG Email Database 

EXPORT Unlimited Emails

You will get:

Company names (guaranteed), Emails (guaranteed), Phone numbers (if company has it), Country (guaranteed), Zip code (if available), Website / URL (if company has it), City name (if available), Category or Industry (if available), Address (if available).

Benefits of this service:

  • Carry out targeted email marketing campaigns.
  • Acquire geo-relevant customers in your country e.g. United States.

Sample Database

PRICE: $0.019/ email


  • 1000 emails= minimum export.
  • So $0.019 credit = 1 email exported.
  • Filter emails by country before you export.
  • USA Total available emails: 110,000
  • “Null” in a .csv cell means not available.
  • Discount: For an order over $900+, please use the 10% coupon code: VIP900


Delivery: result (data) will be sent to your order email in .csv file usually within 30 minutes.


LABNIFY.COM is the only official website under our brand name and logo. 


We do NOT accept payment through Skype, Telegram, WhatsApp, or Live chat, and neither do we trade crypto nor offer jobs. If anyone does these in the name of Labnify, it is impersonation. For details, see legal Terms.